
Frequently Asked Questions

Refund and Replacement Policy

If you have an issue with your order, contact our support team directly within seven days of product delivery. Please provide a detailed description of your issue, accompanied by relevant photo or video evidence that support your case. Products are unique and produced to order, therefore, they are non-refundable.

Shipping and Delivery

Shipping times are estimated average times and are in no way guaranteed. If your order takes more than ten days to be delivered, please contact our support team.

Incorrect Delivery Address

If an order is returned to due to an incorrect address, you will be contacted to arrange a reshipment. You will be liable for the reshipment costs and service fees. The service fee covers any Charge On Delivery (C.O.D) fees that we get charged by the fulfillment operator and handling fees. Packages will be donated after one week if we are not provided with a valid address for the reshipment.

Contact Support

For any questions, comments, or concerns, please go to https://nyxknacks.com/contact.

NyxKnacks - © Strain Investment Co. LLC

All content is owned solely by Ashley Strain, and shall not be used or reproduced without prior written consent. All Rights Reserved.